28 Jun

Introducing the Smart Factory 101 for Food Manufacturers E-Book!

Utilize your food manufacturing machinery to its full potential with Worximity's Smart Factory 101 E-Book, featuring five steps for IoT adoption into manufacturing environments.

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Introducing the Smart Factory 101 for Food Manufacturers E-Book!
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The new e-book from Worximity covers our five-step roadmap, the Smart Factory 1 - 5 (SF1 - SF5) scale for IoT adoption in food manufacturing environments.

This adoption roadmap helps food manufacturers to first get momentum with quick wins and fast ROI while building step by step to becoming an integrated Smart Food Factory.

SF1 - Connect and Monitor Equipment: The Worximity TileConnect hardware is low cost and can be installed in critical process areas in a few hours. The eBook helps you to understand how to get quickly to SF1 success. By identifying which process areas can be immediately impacted, getting to SF1 can literally provide ROI within hours or days.

SF2 - Improve Production: You’ll learn how you can get to SF2 (Smart Factory Level 2) and how you can empower and accelerate long-term Continuous Improvement throughout your manufacturing system.

SF3 - Compare and Prevent: When you reach SF3, you’ll have the ability to measure and compare KPIs, removing production bottlenecks and streamlining operations.

SF4 - Manufacturing Analytics: At SF4 you achieve a completely customized manufacturing dashboard with customized analytics by role. The right analytics can be presented on large monitors for production staff awareness and on desktop and mobile devices so that each participant and decision-maker has what they need to make your manufacturing ‘smart’.

SF5: Predictive Analytics and AI: The future of smart manufacturing is not simply reacting and responding but is predicting and being proactive with improvements or preventing problems before they occur. You’ll learn how your Smart Factory Roadmap can achieve SF5, giving you an unparalleled competitive advantage.

With these powerful tools at your disposal, your company can join the wave of the future using IoT to view your entire operation with pinpoint accuracy.

Download the e-book and discover why, by 2020, the majority of manufacturing companies will have made the jump to Industry 4.0.


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