22 Mar

Top Lean Manufacturing Technology Trends that will Change your Life

A recent article from IQS Directory is eye opening about the future of Lean Manufacturing Technology. There are concurrent advances happening in process and materials technology, energy efficiency, robotics and information technology

Lean Manufacturing
Top Lean Manufacturing Technology Trends that will Change your Life

As manufacturing professionals, we all are aware that manufacturing is undergoing a technological revolution. Who hasn’t heard of the IoT or Industry 4.0? But do we really understand the scope and scale of the changes happening before our eyes? Even for those of us who are delivering advanced manufacturing analytics solutions it can be surprising to learn just how many technological forces are shaping the near term manufacturing landscape.


A recent article from IQS Directory is eye opening about Lean Manufacturing Technology. There are concurrent advances happening in process and materials technology, energy efficiency, robotics and information technology that when taken in total will fundamentally change the economics of manufacturing as we know it. You can read more here.



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