23 Sep

Worximity Featured in PROCESS EXPO Article

Emilie Lachance, Worximity’s CMO, discusses how Worximity’s IIoT solutions help food manufacturers in a recent #PROCESSEXPO article.

Worximity Featured in PROCESS EXPO Article

PROCESS EXPO is coming up soon, and Worximity is excited to be returning to the food industry’s premier trade show focusing on the latest technology and integrated solutions.

In advance of the 2019 PROCESS EXPO, to be held Oct. 8-11 at McCormick Place in Chicago, the convention’s organizers featured Worximity in a recent blog article highlighting the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for food and beverage processing production lines.

In the article, Emilie Lachance, Worximity’s Chief Marketing Officer, discusses real-time line monitoring and how Worximity’s solutions help food manufacturers better allocate time, boost performance, and eliminate waste.

“It's really a question of making manufacturers more efficient, reducing costs, and wasting less energy and raw materials,” Lachance says in the article. Be sure to read the entire interview, which tells the story of Worximity and how it has innovated line monitoring in this era of IIoT.

PROCESS EXPO is a biennial trade show, and we at Worximity are looking forward to showing off our solution as well as reconnecting with old friends. “We feel like it's a great show,” Lachance says in the blog article. “OEMs, potential clients, and potential partners will be there. It’s always a rich way to meet people and discuss projects that will benefit their companies.” 

Worximity will be in Booth 2436 at the convention center, so be sure to stop by and learn more about real-time monitoring software that minimizes waste and maximizes productivity. If you’re an existing customer, come say “hi” and tell us how the solution is working for your production lines. Either way, we can’t wait to see you at PROCESS EXPO!


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